The RIGHT Image

Your business is unique. You offer something that your competitors do not. But how do you prove that to your customers? The first step is to display the right image of your business. Uniforms are a great way to show the organized, professional side of your business and they can make 1 million impressions in a year, so why not make your uniforms look their best?

If you already have a uniform rental program, then take a look at the uniforms provided. Do they reflect the look and feel of your business? Your business is one of a kind and the uniforms your employees wear should help you stand out from the crowd. If your uniforms look too similar to your competitors, why should a prospective customer come to you instead of them? We all know that first impressions leave a lasting impression. With that being said, you should make sure your employees are reflecting the right image for your business.

At Service Uniform, we understand that you want to stand apart from the competition. That’s why we offer free evaluations to determine the best fitting uniform for your business. If you use uniforms for your business image (and you definitely should) then make sure it’s the RIGHT image.

throwback uniforms with Service Uniform

Who Wore the First Uniform?

Have you ever wondered where uniforms came from? How far back have people been wearing uniforms? We were wondering the same thing and did a little bit of research. The answer we came up with:

No one knows.

Uniforms have been around for so long that it’s almost impossible to figure out where they originated. One can assume they originated the same time as humans! We did find that wearing uniforms started with schools and certain occupations.

School uniforms have been around almost as long as schools have. In early America, schools followed the British system and introduced uniforms to both public and private schools. Unfortunately, uniforms were costly so it was more common for students from wealthy families to sport them.

Work uniforms have evolved more than school uniforms. It used to be that uniforms were reserved for military personnel and civilian officials. Store owners, bankers and healthcare workers didn’t have uniforms, but instead wore either an apron or bib to signify their position. But over time businesses saw the advantage of uniforms as an effort of branding and developing a corporate image.

Uniforms give employees a sense of belonging and equality. Although we can’t determine who wore the first uniform, we can clearly see from the long history that a united image is a trend that will not fade out.

Do you have any cool history facts about uniforms? Tell us on Facebook or Twitter.

Your Feedback Helps Us Grow

One of our secrets to success is that we listen to our customer’s feedback! Service Uniform has a long history of quality service and superior products. We pride ourselves on being family owned and for providing outstanding uniform rental service to San Antonio. If you’ve had a great experience working with us like we have with you, then please share it with us on Facebook, Twitter, or Google+. We wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for you, so let us know how we can serve you better by contacting us.

Have You Lost Your Sparkle?

A lot of hard work goes into running a company, trust us we know. A successful company has a strong relationship with clients, provides quality service and has that little quirk that makes them different. You’re probably reading this and thinking, “Yes! We have all that! But something is missing…”

We know the answer, you lost your sparkle. Your customers have fallen in love with your company, but competitors are popping up everywhere so you need to make sure you stay ahead of the game. One solution: a strong, branded image. Uniforms put together a professional look for companies and can really set you apart from the competition.

Service Uniform is your go-to for the perfect uniform rental service. We offer free evaluations so there is no pressure check us out. Our qualified staff will work with you to figure out the best uniforms to fit your look. We realize that you’re busy running a company, that’s why we make the process hassle-free. Our Blue Chip Tracking System uses RFID technology to track your orders, requests and deliveries. You not only get a great boost in your company image, but with Service Uniform you save time to focus on other things.

If you feel like your company may have lost its sparkle, give us a call.