Service Uniform, Blue Chip System, RFID

Chip Turns Nine Years Old!

Happy Birthday Chip!

Our favorite little guy turns nine years old this month and we had a party to celebrate.

Service Uniform

Chip is our energetic little mascot who loves to tell everyone about our unique Blue Chip System®. Our Blue Chip System® is the most accurate and advanced tracking system in the industry.  We are the only company in the region to use RFID technology to ensure that garments are placed in the perfect route, account, and wearer order.

Want to wish Chip a happy birthday? Give him a shout-out on our Facebook page!


It’s Back to School Season

It’s back to school season and although we know that all of you are well past your grade school days, everyone can still feel the excitement of fall in the air. New wardrobes symbolize the start of the school year, but new clothes aren’t always the latest outfits found at the mall. Many schools both private and public are adopting uniform dress codes for the student body.

According to the Institute of Education Sciences, between the 2003-04 and 2011-12 school years, the percentage of public schools reporting that they required that students wear uniforms increased from 13 to 19 percent.

According to the website Statistic Brain, 23 percent of all public and private schools have a uniform policy.

The number is rising and we know why! There are many great benefits to uniforms, both for students and for adults in the workforce. Uniforms create a sense of unity, pride, and confidence. It’s been proven that uniforms can enhance the workplace, so imagine what they can do for schools!

Do you remember what it was like to walk into school on the first day of classes? If you want to get that feeling again, contact Service Uniform today and we’ll set you up with the right uniform rental program for your business.

August is Water Quality Month

Water conservation is a big priority for businesses here in Texas, and we’re aware of our impact on the surrounding environment. August is National Water Quality Month and we wanted to let all of our customers know that as part of our responsibility to the local community, we do what we can to protect the local environment. However, protecting the environment is not just up to businesses, it’s up to you too!

American households waste a shocking amount of water every year, and household pollution is one of the main causes. Clean Water Action is an organization that offers a succinct but thorough factsheet on what individuals and families can do to prevent water pollution from spilling out of their homes, including:

  • Not using antibacterial soaps or cleaning products
  • Not flushing unwanted or out-of-date medications down the toilet or drain
  • Not putting anything but water down storm drains
  • Fixing leaks that drop from cars and putting liners in driveways to collect oil and other materials
  • Avoid using pesticides or chemical fertilizers
  • Choosing nontoxic household products when possible
  • Picking up after pets

For more ways to prevent pollution, click here.

This month, take steps to conserve and preserve our water supply. Do you have any water-saving tricks? Share with us on our Facebook page.