Service Uniform, San Antonio

Don’t Forget Boss’s Day

October 16th is Boss’s Day so make sure to mark it on your calendars! The holiday began as a day to improve the relationship between employees and supervisors because sometimes employees do not realize the challenges bosses face in running a business. Just like it’s essential for bosses to recognize their employees, it’s equally important that hard-working bosses get the same acknowledgment.

Your boss appreciates positive recognition as much as anyone else, but what should you do for them? Some companies throw a party to celebrate their bosses, supervisors, and managers. If a party is not in the budget (or there’s no time in the schedule) a simple gift or “hey, great work” to your boss will work. Celebrating Boss’s Day depends on the size and culture of your office but you can’t go wrong by keeping the gesture honest, fun, and simple. A very popular way to say “thanks” is to send your boss a nice note or card to thank them for their support during the year. This can be an individual note or a card signed by the entire team. Whatever you decide to do, have fun and get creative!

Have you learned a lot at your current job? Do you feel excited to come to work every day? If so then you most likely have an awesome boss! Check out our Facebook page for more ways to celebrate Boss’s Day.

Service Uniform, San Antonio

It’s Customer Service Week

What makes a company successful?

Right now you’re probably making a quick list in your head…

  • A hard-working team.
  • Quality products and services.
  • A strong business model.

But do you know what really makes a company successful?

Strong customer service!

The second week of October is National Customer Service Week and we know it’s important to celebrate our customer service representatives and the vital role they play within the company. Clients and customers are the sole reason your company is in business, so of course it’s important to keep them happy (within reason of course)!

Showing your support for those who handle customer requests can help your business in many ways, one of the strongest being a boost of employee morale. It’s amazing how much the energy of a team can increase motivation and business success. If you let your customer service team know how much you appreciate their hard work, you’re giving them a crucial boost of self-esteem.

Not only will you give your team the boost they need, you’ll also be raising company awareness of the importance of customer service. Remember, your customers are the entire reason you’re there, so it’s important to make sure that everyone knows how important they are. This could be anything from proper phone etiquette to a smile every time you interact with a customer.

How will you celebrate customer service week? Tell us on our Facebook page!

Service Uniform, San Antonio

Why Have A Company Dress Code?

Almost all businesses have a company dress code. Employees anywhere from fast food to corporate executives have some sort of code to follow, some relaxed and some strict. Why is that?

As uniform people, we of course are in favor of a company dress code. Here are the main reasons we believe in company dress codes:

A Uniformed Look 
As the image experts, we can go on and on about the benefits of a uniformed look, but we think that it speaks for itself! Sporting your company’s brand colors and logo is a great way to leave a first impression and build up a professional image.

Avoid The Uncomfortable 
Everyone has a different definition of what is comfortable. If a company allows employees to wear whatever they want, there will come a time when someone will wear something offensive to another employee. Instead of waiting for that to happen, nip it in the bud with guidelines.

In some work environments, a dress code is put into place to keep employees safe. You don’t want to wear loose clothing around heavy machinery, just like you don’t want to show exposed skin when working with chemicals or tools.

Dress codes can be tricky, but one way to solve the problem is to have company uniforms. Now, we know that a lot of employees feel restricted when they have to wear uniforms, but with Service Uniform the feeling is different. Our image experts will work with your employees to find the right fit and image. Our quality uniforms are made with the most comfortable, durable fabrics that are not only comfortable but stylish. Plus, the new professional image will give your employees the morale boost they didn’t know they needed.

The Power of Blue Chip

How do you know if Service Uniform is the right fit for your business? Well there are many ways we help businesses, but what we’re really known for is our Blue Chip System®. The Blue Chip System® is the most advanced tracking system in the region. The region! This means when you work with Service Uniform, you get to experience firsthand the power of Blue Chip®.

The Blue Chip Report
This easy-to-read report gives you honest, accurate information about your deliveries, orders, and repairs. This report ensures all garments are delivered with 100% accuracy and requests are fulfilled with no repair or upgrade charges.

Blue Chip Quality Control
At Service Uniform, we strive to maintain a service which is superior to industry standards. From our Account Managers to our Certified Inspectors, all of our staff has passed the internal Blue Chip Certification test.

Blue Chip Repairs
We ensure that garments are repaired and orders are completed on time, all the time. Our Certified Inspectors are dedicated to inspecting all your garments for repairs, upgrades, and 100% accurate delivery.

Blue Chip Programs
Not every business is the same, which is why we offer a variety of Blue Chip® programs to customize you uniform rental plan.

There’s a reason our Blue Chip System® is the best in the region. To find out more about what Blue Chip® can do for your business, contact Service Uniform today.

Service Uniform, Blue Chip System, RFID

Chip Turns Nine Years Old!

Happy Birthday Chip!

Our favorite little guy turns nine years old this month and we had a party to celebrate.

Service Uniform

Chip is our energetic little mascot who loves to tell everyone about our unique Blue Chip System®. Our Blue Chip System® is the most accurate and advanced tracking system in the industry.  We are the only company in the region to use RFID technology to ensure that garments are placed in the perfect route, account, and wearer order.

Want to wish Chip a happy birthday? Give him a shout-out on our Facebook page!


It’s Back to School Season

It’s back to school season and although we know that all of you are well past your grade school days, everyone can still feel the excitement of fall in the air. New wardrobes symbolize the start of the school year, but new clothes aren’t always the latest outfits found at the mall. Many schools both private and public are adopting uniform dress codes for the student body.

According to the Institute of Education Sciences, between the 2003-04 and 2011-12 school years, the percentage of public schools reporting that they required that students wear uniforms increased from 13 to 19 percent.

According to the website Statistic Brain, 23 percent of all public and private schools have a uniform policy.

The number is rising and we know why! There are many great benefits to uniforms, both for students and for adults in the workforce. Uniforms create a sense of unity, pride, and confidence. It’s been proven that uniforms can enhance the workplace, so imagine what they can do for schools!

Do you remember what it was like to walk into school on the first day of classes? If you want to get that feeling again, contact Service Uniform today and we’ll set you up with the right uniform rental program for your business.