August is Water Quality Month

Water conservation is a big priority for businesses here in Texas, and we’re aware of our impact on the surrounding environment. August is National Water Quality Month and we wanted to let all of our customers know that as part of our responsibility to the local community, we do what we can to protect the local environment. However, protecting the environment is not just up to businesses, it’s up to you too!

American households waste a shocking amount of water every year, and household pollution is one of the main causes. Clean Water Action is an organization that offers a succinct but thorough factsheet on what individuals and families can do to prevent water pollution from spilling out of their homes, including:

  • Not using antibacterial soaps or cleaning products
  • Not flushing unwanted or out-of-date medications down the toilet or drain
  • Not putting anything but water down storm drains
  • Fixing leaks that drop from cars and putting liners in driveways to collect oil and other materials
  • Avoid using pesticides or chemical fertilizers
  • Choosing nontoxic household products when possible
  • Picking up after pets

For more ways to prevent pollution, click here.

This month, take steps to conserve and preserve our water supply. Do you have any water-saving tricks? Share with us on our Facebook page. 


Don’t Let Stains Ruin Your Image

This month is National Ice Cream month and we know that everyone can’t help but have an icy treat if it’s there in front of them! This month stock your breakroom with a supply of ice cream, Popsicles, and other icy treats for your employees to enjoy.

The temperatures are rising so we know that trying to eat an ice cream cone can be a little difficult. The treat tends to melt faster than you can eat it! Talk about childhood nostalgia. Even though you’re at work and in your uniform, it’s ok if you get a few icy drips on your uniform because at Service Uniform we make sure to carefully treat each garment that comes to our facility.

We deal with stains all of the time. Our customers work in auto garages with fluids and grease, outside in the dirt and mud, indoors with chemicals and even front of house with exploding pens. We’ve seen it all, so we can handle ice cream stains.

At Service Uniform we believe we should inspect what you expect, to ensure your uniforms needs are fulfilled with integrity, superior quality products, and outstanding service. Our certified Inspectors are dedicated to inspecting all your garments for repairs, upgrades, and stains.

You have an image and it’s our job to supply and protect it. You can trust us to return your garments to you on time and in great condition. So go ahead, enjoy National Ice Cream Month with your employees. We’ll be here if you need us.

Celebrate the Summer Solstice

How do you like having daylight until 9 PM? Summer is here and we’re excited for the warm weather and long days, but the summer solstice is when the fun really happens. The summer solstice, or Midsummer, occurs when the tilt of the planet’s semi-axis is most inclined toward the sun. Worldwide, interpretation of the event has varied among cultures, but most recognize the event in some way with holidays, festivals, and rituals.

As you know, there are thousands of ancient sites created around solstices and equinoxes that were built to honor our connection to the sun as the source of our light. However, nowadays we mostly recognize the summer solstice as the longest day of the year and the perfect way for us to celebrate is to spend time outside!

This year, the summer solstice falls on Saturday, so spend the day outside with your friends and family. Texas summers are a real treat, and San Antonio is a great place to be during the hot months. Celebrate the longest day of the year by hosting a barbecue in your backyard or by having a picnic with friends and family. Take a scenic bike ride through the city, or spend the day by the river. If you’re a golfer, play 18 holes instead of 9 because how often do you get to do that?

At Service Uniform, we love the long summer days and warm nights. However, we know that a lot of our customers work daily outside in the hot sun and need protection from the heat. The summer solstice may be a celebration of the summer months, but it’s our duty to protect employees all year round. We’ve partnered with Red Kap to provide outdoor workers with moisture wicking uniforms that not only keep them cool but dry as well.

Whether you work outside or inside, the summer solstice is your day to enjoy being outside. What are your celebration plans for the longest day of the year? Tell us on our Facebook page!

What Happens on Friday the 13th?

This month the 13th day falls on a Friday and according to tradition it’s not a good day for luck. According to tradition, you should probably stay away from black cats and tall ladders. Don’t plan any major events that day because you never know what might get ruined. Oh, and don’t make any wishes. Bad things happen on Friday the 13th, right?

Actually… no. Nothing out of the ordinary happens on Friday the 13th.

People like to treat Friday the 13th like a cursed day but there is actually no written evidence of a “Friday the 13th” superstition before the 19th century, and even then the only documented reference in English is in Henry Sutherland Edwards’ 1869 biography of Gioachino Rossini, who died on a Friday 13th. So the day was unlucky for him but not for anyone else.

At Service Uniform, we don’t believe in superstitions or in bad luck. Sometimes it may feel like your company may need a good turn of events, but deep down you know that a successful business doesn’t run on luck. It runs on hard work and a professional team. If your business needs a boost in morale and productivity, we may be able to help you. We’re the image experts and a new professional look will improve your business’s overall productivity. You don’t need to hide on Friday the 13th, if your business needs a little help, contact us today to see how we can help your business grow.

We’ve Got Your Dad’s Back

Remember being little and running to the door when Dad got home from work? He would scoop you up into a big bear hug and give you a squeeze and a pat on the head. Can you recall the smells of his faded cologne? Or the odors and stains left on his uniform from a hard day’s work? Those are the memories we remember about our fathers that make us proud.

Your entire life your dad has worked hard for you and your family. He taught you how to think, how to work, and how to love. This Father’s Day, give your dad something special, and thank him for everything that he has done for you. We’ll do the same.

Service Uniform is proud to work with hundreds of working moms and dads. While you spend time spoiling your parents for all that they’ve done, we’ll be here making sure they succeed at work. We’ll protect their skin from harsh work conditions, give them a professional look that will earn them respect, and help them feel like a million bucks each and every day. Our family owned business has worked with Dads for generations, and we look forward to helping the next generation fill the shoes for their fathers.

Celebrate Memorial Day at Fort Sam Houston

Every Memorial Day the Fort Sam Houston National Cemetery holds a ceremony honoring the members of our military who have sacrificed their lives for the good for of the country. Each year, Texans come from all over the state to pay visits to the graves of the fallen and reflect on their lives. This tradition includes a 21-gun salute and moments of silence. Flags placed in the cemetery by the Boy Scouts will blow in the wind, and active duty soldiers will pose in uniform. The scene is a peaceful and powerful one and we recommend everyone take a moment to participate.

The sight of the soldiers in their military uniforms can really strike a strong feeling in everyone. Military uniforms give soldiers a strong sense of pride and draw respect civilians because of the meaning behind them. Military uniforms are a symbol of strength, dedication, respect and sacrifice. We at Service Uniform hold great respect for the military uniform and the soldiers who wear them, and those who have died wearing them.

This Memorial Day, before you start barbequing and playing outdoor games, take a moment to honor the fallen men and women who have fought for us. If you can’t make it to Fort Sam Houston for the ceremony, then spend time with your family reflecting on the sacrifices made.