Dreaming of Spring Break?

The long winter months have us dreaming of summer. Before we can hop in the swim trunks and flip flops, vacations need to be planned! In order to ensure the most fun in the sun, follow these simple steps:

  1. Start your research.

Where do want to go? How much money will you need to save? Figuring these things out in advance will allow you to book much sooner, and save you and your travelers-in-crime some much needed money. In addition, you can determine who you need to contact about any additional questions you have, or things you need to include in your plan.

  1. Get your timeline down.

Knowing when you are leaving and returning will make it easy for you to take the time off work in advance. It is also helpful to plan the timeline of your trip if you are going to multiple places. That way, you can start reviewing hotels and airfares, and then begin booking everything with confidence and ease.

Speaking of which:

  1. Buy your plane tickets and book hotel rooms.

If you plan to fly or stay in a hotel, it’s helpful to book well in advance for cheaper airfare and to ensure you’ll get reasonably priced rooms. Sunday is the best day for deals on airline tickets.

  1. Start budgeting.

Now that you know how much money you’ll need for the trip, start saving up for it. It’s worth it to save: Before buying those expensive shoes, ask yourself if you want them more than the trip. Start a brand-new savings account especially for the vacation, calculate how much you will need to save per month to add up to what you need, and set up recurring monthly payments.

Last but not least:

  1. Don’t be afraid!

Lots of people feel they are too busy or broke to take a spring break vacation, or that it isn’t worth the stress of planning. But if you follow these simple steps and keep your plans and wallet organized, all you will have to do when the time comes is pack your things and let the plane, train, or car start you on your journey.

Uniforms for Every Office

There are uniforms available for almost every person in your office, whether they are front-of-house or back-of-house. We work with many automotive garages, providing uniforms for both their workers and receptionists. There are uniforms for hostesses, managers, and servers alike (and our materials and services allow these uniforms to remain clean and wrinkle-free!).

A clean, comfortable and professional uniform can make all the difference when making a sale in a retail setting or providing a service like HVAC. Employees in manufacturing and industries where it is important to remain safe will feel good in customized uniforms. A practical uniform generates trust between you and your employees, as well as between you and your customers.

Uniforms are an important and practical part of a variety of industries, showing pride and professionalism. With Service Uniform you can meet your company’s uniform needs no matter the industry or position.

5 Work Resolutions for 2016

Looking into 2016, it’s going to be an amazing year. Make it even better by improving your work life and productivity! Here are 5 work resolutions you can make to create a landmark year in 2016.

  1. Improving time management: Good time management reduces stress and helps you stay organized with your tasks. While making a daily schedule, it is helpful to book time for interruptions and unexpected tasks. Having a free 20-minute block for interruptions is going to help you feel, even in the most hectic of moments, as though everything is going according to plan—because it is!
  1. Improving work-life balance: Being conscious of a work-life balance can help you feel like you are making the most out of both your free time and work time. Even if you are busy with a million other things, having just an hour or two for yourself before or after work to get a coffee with someone, take a walk outside, or work on a creative project can get everything in balance.
  1. Improve communication: Resolving to listen better is actually a huge step toward practicing better communication. Repeat what was said if necessary, and if you are confused, don’t hesitate to ask for clarification! This builds trust, consistency, and authentic dialogue, and when these are present in the workplace it leads to a happy and productive day.
  1. Improve health through exercise: Of course, getting into the habit of exercising can be difficult, but that’s what the New Year is for! It’s proven that exercise reduces stress and gives us more energy, which we could all use during the workday. Can you start getting exercise into your schedule? Try taking short walks during lunch break, go for a run every few days at home, or dedicate yourself to a gym or yoga membership.
  1. Improve health through diet: Eating well can lead to increased happiness and productivity. Resolving to cook your lunch the night before, or even preparing several meals on the Sunday before the workweek, can help you create a healthy rhythm. Pair that with exercise to improve your ability to communicate, have energy for after-work activities, and better manage your time.

We hope these tips will help to make this upcoming year even better!