What an Impression Means to Your Business

Running a small business is a tough job. Finding ways to increase both the visibility and reputation of your brand should be a main concern. Letting Service Uniform help you get the right branded apparel can do wonders for your brand recognition. A recent study by J.D. Power and Associates found that an overwhelming number of customers preferred a business that used uniforms to those who didn’t. Many different factors go into providing a customer with the right impression. When trying to put your best foot forward and make a great impression, here are some of the things to focus on.

Your Branded Apparel and Uniforms

Ideally, you want a person to be consumed with your brand as soon as they step foot into your commercial space. Making a great impression on a customer is easy when using uniforms for all of your employees. The study by J.D. Power and Associates found that consumers believed that employees in a uniform were more knowledgeable and helpful. The investment in quality uniforms will be worth it due to the leg up it will give you on the competition. Keeping the uniforms clean and presentable is easy when taking advantage of the Blue Chip System® offered by Service Uniform.

Our system utilizes the power of computer chips to keep track of the uniforms we pick up from your business. With this level of technology and organization, you will never have to worry about missing uniforms again.

The Business Website and Printed Materials

Another opportunity your small business has to make a great impression on prospective customers is through a great website and quality printed materials. More businesses are taking their marketing efforts online, which means you will need to get a quality website to compete. Making sure that your brand and message are represented accurately on the new website is vital to your overall level of customer engagement and success.

Having brochures and flyers printed out is a great way to inform people about the services and products you offer. The team at Service Uniform have been using both print and digital marketing for years with success. The main reason behind the success that Service Uniform has achieved with these marketing methods is a consistent brand message and quality service.

Having the Product and Services to Backup Your Image

In order to improve your reputation and your sales, you will need to have a quality product and service to back up the claims you are making. Once businesses experience the power of the Blue Chip System® offered by Service Uniform, they are customers for life. Service Uniform has worked for years to perfect the Blue Chip System®. Creating a consistent message of quality above all else can help a business obtain the level of success they are after.

By giving our customers top notch service, Service Uniform has been able to make a positive impression. We are only at the top of our industry because of the loyal customers who have stuck by us due to the service we provide them with.

Now you know how to make a positive impression, but you can increase those impressions easily with Service Uniform! Every uniform and every mat is another chance for potential customers to be exposed to your brand. With the support of a quality service and product, solid marketing and a professional demeanor, your company can go miles.

Tour Service Uniform and Experience the Difference

One of the biggest pains for many businesses is keeping track of employee uniforms. Between employees taking them home, misplacing them and the cleaning service damaging or losing the garments, many businesses spend thousands of unneeded dollars each year replacing these lost or damaged garments.

However, with the Blue Chip Tracking System® offered by Service Uniform, all of these issues are a thing of the past. Our unique system offers accurate, timely results, regardless if you have two or 200 uniforms to clean and maintain.

With our Blue Chip System®, you can feel confident about knowing what is going on with garments, where they are in the cleaning process and if they have been fixed without fail. We provide our customers with a Blue Chip Summary report, to ensure they have all the pertinent details of their rental program.

Unlike other barcode-based tracking systems, our RFID blue chip doesn’t fade or get wrinkled. This means tracking is guaranteed – regardless of how wet, hot or messy the conditions become.

Learn more about our unique tracking service with this video:


If you are ready for a better way to track and keep up with your business uniforms and garments, then you need to take advantage of our Blue Chip System® today. We make the Blue Chip System® easy and convenient for you to use and provide online reports you can access at any time. The process of delivery, cleaning, repairs and more are all noted and reported to you – this means you remain “in the know” regarding your uniforms and garments at all times.

Why should you keep wasting your money replacing lost, damaged or misplaced uniforms when we can offer an accurate, effective tracking method? We provide accurate, timely services that are unmatched in the industry. Contact us today to get started.