fireworks-in-san atonio

Must See Firework Shows in The San Antonio Area

Fourth of July fireworks are a favorite family outing each summer. This year, celebrate Independence Day with the best fireworks shows in the San Antonio area.

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Why Working for a Family Business is Great for Recent Grads

Entering the workforce comes with a slew of important decisions to be made. When looking for

a place to start the next chapter of your career, it’s essential to consider what kind of company

you want to work for in terms of size, values, and future advancement options. For many recent

graduates, working for a family business like Service Uniform can provide a better transition

into the workforce for these reasons:


Many family-run businesses are smaller in size than the corporate competition, which means

the employees are more likely to receive more specialized attention from supervisors and trainers.

Plus, a smaller workforce means better opportunities for advancement within the company.

With this smaller size also comes a unique sense of camaraderie. A small team where each

employee knows the other’s names will be very tight-knit and can offer more of a support

system than some larger businesses.


Because family businesses are so small, they tend to prioritize the long-term over the short-

term. This means that new hires are viewed as long-term investments for the good of the

company. If you’re looking for a place to start a permanent or stable career, a family business

could provide the ideal setting to work your way up the management ladder. Worldwide, about

80 percent of companies are family-owned, and these companies make up the largest

proportion of long-term employment opportunities. This means that even if you are starting at

an entry-level position, you likely won’t find yourself there for long.


Because of the close personal relationships, specialized professional attention, and long-term

opportunities, small businesses can provide a more enriching work environment that makes

your job feel less like a job and more like an integral part of your life. Working for a family

business can help you feel more invested in your work and, consequently, happier with your job


No matter which field you hope to go into, there are many benefits to working for a family



Hey Chip! How We Fix Your Wear and Tear

Chip here again! I’m back this week to take you through another aspect of our Blue Chip System: the repair process. Using our efficient RFID technology, we make sure every uniform is properly cleaned, repaired, and sorted for 100% accuracy every time.

When your uniforms need a repair, you can let us know by placing the clothing into the Blue Chip orange repair bag. As the uniform goes through the Blue Chip System, the garment is scanned to show its thermal repair ticket to operators. Then, during our in-line inspection process, uniforms in need of repair will be removed and immediately fixed before continuing through the sorting and delivery system.

Even if you don’t make a request, your uniforms will be hand-inspected as they go through the sorting process to check for signs of wear and tear. Then, they’ll be repaired, replaced, or upgraded immediately at no extra charge so that you’ll always get your uniforms back on time. The uniforms are inspected by our skilled certified garment inspectors, who will carefully examine each and every piece of clothing for needed repairs.

Each repair is scanned and tracked in the Blue Chip delivery report, so you will always know when a repair has been made to one of your garments. Once all requests and proactive repairs are completed and logged, the uniforms continue on to be sorted by a wearer and, finally, delivered back to your company.

Need to make repairs on the go? In addition to our other systems, we just launched our new Mobile Repair App that allows you to communicate repairs right from your phone. With this Mobile Repair App, you simply enter your name, scan or enter the uniform barcode, briefly fill out additional information, take a picture and push send. The process is easy and hassle free. To download this app, simply go to the Apple App Store or Google Play and search “Service Uniform.”

From the first scan to the last, our efficient Blue Chip System ensures that your uniforms will be cleaned, repaired, and sorted correctly every time—and that’s our 100% accuracy guarantee.

3 Non-Traditional Marketing Tactics You Should Try This Month

There are a million ways to market your business, and in the sea of voices, it can be hard to know which strategy is best. Traditional marketing tactics like print and television ads never hurt, but sometimes your business needs something fresh to reach a new audience. Consider these progressive marketing tactics to give your company a leg up on the competition.

Social Media

Most businesses have a Facebook page, but you may not be using social media to its full marketing potential. Choose the platforms that make the most sense for your brand, whether that be Twitter, Instagram, or LinkedIn. Don’t be afraid to try out emerging applications like Snapchat, Periscope, or a weekly email newsletter to give your business an extra edge. New features like Snapchat filters and live video offer a new dimension of social interaction with your client base.

When using social media, it’s also important to remember that it’s not just about putting out information—it’s about interacting with your clientele. Take the time to respond to customers’ comments, follow other businesses, and monitor hashtags relevant to your business to find potential clients.

Networking Events

Invite your customers in after hours to for a launch party for a new product, a grand opening for a new store, or a celebration of a company milestone. These are all opportunities to share your successes with your clients and interact with them in a more personal setting, which helps put a face to the name behind your brand.

Sponsoring events and supporting local organizations will also bring awareness to your brand while showing your customers that you care about your community. Support a local little league team, host a fundraiser for a hometown charity, or pitch in for a summer festival.

Using Your Logo

Your logo is the most concise, memorable representation of your business, so you want to use it to your advantage. Make sure that your logo is eye-catching and memorable, while still being simple. Place your logo everywhere from uniforms to coffee cups to floor mats, and use creative logo placement to leave a lasting impression on future clientele and create an image to associate with your brand.

With these non-traditional marketing strategies, your business will be reaching new audiences in no time.