14 November, 2016 | Service Area in TX

5 Ways to Show Your Employees Appreciation During the Holidays

Without the right team, it will be nearly impossible for a small business to succeed. At Service Uniform, we value each of our employees and know just how hard they work. Around the holidays, most businesses like to give their employees gifts to show them how appreciative they are. Rather than give an employee a subscription to the jelly of the month club or a coupon for a haircut, you need to hone in on things that could really benefit them. There are many different ways to show your employees you care this holiday season and here are a few of them.

Extra Vacation Days

One of the most popular employee gifts out there is extra time off with pay. Most people like to spend as much time with their families as they can during the holidays. Providing your workers with an extra day of Christmas vacation is a great gesture and it will show them that you understand how important family is.

Updated Furniture or Equipment

Most business owners are sticklers when it comes to staying on budget. In some cases, the desire to save money may lead to the equipment or furniture around a workspace becoming a bit outdated. Getting new furniture or equipment is the gift that keeps on giving. By supplying your employees with updated tools, you will be able to make their jobs much easier.

The Way to Any Employees Heart is Food

Who doesn’t love a free meal? If you are looking for an easy and enjoyable way to show employee appreciation, then a catered breakfast or lunch is a fantastic idea. Providing your employees with a meal and getting to know them better can be a great morale booster. Be sure to poll your employees to find out what type of food they would like.

Party Down For the Holidays

Another great way to show your employees you care is by throwing a holiday party. In order for these types of parties to be a success, you will need to invest some time into planning out every detail. Ideally, you will want to throw a party that is family friendly. Finding a restaurant in the area to have this party at is a great way to make the planning phase easier. Restaurants will usually be able to handle the catering and decorations needed for a great event.

Raffle Off a Front Row Parking Space

Among the most coveted items in any office space is a parking space near the entrance of the building. Usually, these spaces are reserved for management. If at all possible, you should raffle off one of these parking spaces to a deserving employee. Even if you have to give up your front row parking, it will be worth it.

Showing your employees that you care is a great way to keep them loyal and happy. The holidays provide you with a perfect opportunity to let your inner Santa Claus shine through.

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