Entries by Blue Chip Uniform

5 Inventions That Have Revolutionized the Uniform Industry

Service Uniform’s Blue Chip System® utilizes some of the most advanced technology in the uniform industry. Our system consistently reduces shortages, and has earned honorable mention in TRSA’s award-winning monthly magazine Textile Rental. Although the Blue Chip System® hasn’t reached Popular Mechanics’ top 50 inventions list yet, we know the trajectory for this system aims […]

Spring Outings in Texas

Spring time shouldn’t be just about cleaning.  At Service Uniform®, we believe in spending equal time between work and family. That’s part of what separates us from other uniform service companies. Here are some activities around Texas for you and your family to attend while you’re not cleaning up the nest. San Antonio San Antonio […]

Why it Pays to be a Service Uniform® Employee

At Service Uniform, we are dedicated to showing our employees how much we value their efforts. As a family-owned business, we understand the value of hard work, which is why we aim to reward our employees accordingly. Here are a couple of other ways it pays to be a Service Uniform® employee: Fast-paced work environment […]