01 November, 2013   |   Service Area in TX

What Do Daylight Saving Time and Uniforms Have in Common?

Is this a trick question? Maybe. Daylight saving time is the practice of advancing clocks during summer months so that evening daylight lasts longer, while sacrificing normal sunrise times. The discussion of whether daylight saving time is necessary is a highl...

14 October, 2013   |   Service Area in TX

Why Are Occupation Costumes Popular?

Every year we see some of the most popular Halloween costumes like a clown or a doctor. It makes sense why people would dress up as something scary like a clown on this occasion, but why a doctor? Why do you think people like to wear occupation costumes? Every...

11 October, 2013   |   Service Area in TX

Happy Boss’s Day!

Have you learned a lot at your current job? Do you feel excited to come to work every day? If you have a question, does it get answered? If you answered yes then you may have one awesome boss! Wednesday October 16th is Boss’s Day and we at Service Uniform wa...

07 October, 2013   |   Service Area in TX

Why Do We Wear Costumes On Halloween?

Halloween is an old tradition that almost every household participates in. But how did it start and why do we wear costumes? It’s hard to figure out the exact origins of Halloween, but if you look online you’ll find stories from ancient pagan, Celtic, Cath...

28 August, 2013   |   Customized Uniform

We Wear White after Labor Day

We’ve all heard the rule “no white after Labor Day”, but does anyone follow it? At Service Uniform, we did a little research to try and figure out where this fashion rule came from. Here are two theories: Theory 1: Rich people wore white. There are a...

11 August, 2013   |   Service Area in TX

That First Day of School Feeling

It may have been a while, but do you remember the first day of school as a kid? After a long summer of running around bare foot in shorts and a tank top, mom and dad would take everyone shopping for a new wardrobe. Although new clothes weren’t nearly as ...

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