28 April, 2014 | Uncategorized
We Believe in Clothes4Souls
Clothes4Souls, a subdivision of Soles4Souls, has a mission that we believe in. They’re dedicated to fighting the devastating impact and perpetuation of poverty, and we’re proud to say that we’ve helped the best we can. Service Uniform has don...
21 January, 2014 | Service Area in TX
Areas We Serve in Texas
Locally owned and operated, Service Uniform is proud to be part of the Texas community. We’re here to help local companies by providing quality uniforms, mats and towels for their employees. Our customers demand integrity, superior quality products, and ...
05 December, 2013 | Touch Tex
The First Day of Winter in Texas
December 21st marks the official first day of winter, but in Texas the sun is still shining! As a local business here in San Antonio, we know that winter doesn’t have the same daunting effect on us like it does to our neighbors up north, but that doesn...
02 December, 2013 | Service Area in TX
The Perfect Holiday Gift for Employees
During the holiday season, everyone is shopping around for the perfect holiday gifts for the people they care about. On your list is the perfect gift for Mom, the expensive gift for your brother (but he has to have it) and something sentimental for your grandp...
21 November, 2013 | Service Area in TX
Typhoon Relief Donations – We Did It and You Should Too
Typhoon Haiyan may have been the most powerful tropical cyclone to ever make landfall. 370 miles wide with winds reaching 235 mph, the storm tore through the Philippines taking many lives and leaving behind total devastation. At Service Uniform, we can’t s...
17 November, 2013 | Service Area in TX
Remember Pearl Harbor
On December 7th, 1941 the Empire of Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, bringing the United States into World War II. Although it’s not a federal holiday, we urge everyone to take a moment to remember the many lives lost that day. The official way to “Remember Pe...