05 February, 2018 | Small Business Solutions

How to Improve Reputation For Your Business

how to improve reputation for your business

Whether you’ve just started your new business and you’re trying to get the word out, or you’ve recently received a bad online review, it’s time to improve your brand reputation.

Similar to an individual’s reputation, brand reputation is what characteristics your business is known for – both the good and the bad.

You may think that what people say about your business is a game of luck and completely out of your control. But there are multiple steps you can take to improve reputation. It’s all about showing the positive characteristics of your business. A positive brand reputation is one that shows you are always there for your employees, customers and the community. Therefore, brand reputation is less about the product or service that you deliver, and more about the way you deliver it.

While we can provide you simple tips and ideas on how to improve reputation, one of the most important takeaways is to always go above and beyond in what you do. By doing this, your customers will notice your extra efforts, and word will spread that you are a business invested in customer and employee satisfaction.

Here are our tips on how to improve reputation for your business:

1. Keep your establishment clean

The cleanliness of your business shows customers and employees how much you care about their health and safety. Make sure your bathroom supply is always filled up and that you are keeping your floors clean and free of potential slip-and-fall accident hazards.

2. Gain a social media presence

Having and maintaining social media pages for your business gives you more control over your reputation. By staying positive on your social media pages, customers will take note of your business’ “personality.”

3. Respond constructively to customer complaints

If a customer writes a bad review or posts something negative on your social media pages, don’t simply ignore or delete their comment or review. Consider what they said, evaluate what you can do to make the situation better, and reply to them kindly. Apologize for their negative experience and tell them what you are going to do to make it right.

4. Be open-minded and try to say yes as much as possible

Your business should never be stagnant. Good businesses are always looking for ways to improve. Consider customer concerns and ideas and see if they offer anything that you may be able to implement into your business. For example, if you run a restaurant and customers are asking you to add more vegetarian dishes to your menu, you can gain a good reputation by implementing customer requests.

5. Follow through with what you say you’re going to do

Don’t simply promise to go above and beyond if you’re not truly willing to. To build trust among your customers and community, you need to show that when you give your word, you follow through.

6. Get involved in volunteer work and community efforts

By getting involved in important community work, you not only do something good for others, but you show potential customers a different side of your business – one that cares not only about profitability, but also about current community issues.

7. Do nice things for your employees

Your employees have just as big of an impact on your business reputation as your customers do. Make sure your employees are happy and develop positive relationships with them. Treat them every now and then with complimentary company lunches or activities outside of your business.

8. Create a unified look with employee uniforms

Your business is not just about what you as a business owner does. Your employees are on the front lines, giving customers a huge impression of your business. If your employees are not dressed properly for their type of work, customers are going to look at your business as rundown and disorganized. By supplying employees with quality uniforms, you cement a positive business reputation.

At Service Uniform, we care about your brand reputation. With uniform, mat, towel and facility services, we can help improve reputation for your business.

Contact us today at 210-226-2233 to learn more about our products and services and to start making quality changes to your business.

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