03 June, 2013 | Customized Uniform

When Accessorizing Becomes Too Much

Every employee is unique in their own way and we all know that no two personalities are the same. At work, personalities are expressed in the way employees interact and work with each other. It is inappropriate for employees to rely on accessories to express their personalities, especially if their company requires a uniform.

Some uniforms require accessories, like a separate belt to hold supplies or an apron with pockets. These are usually provided by your employer and your uniform company. Clunky jewelry and flashy shoes however should not spoil the look of a uniform.

The penalties for breaking company uniform policies vary. Usually an employee is asked to remove the accessory or go home and change. But it’s important for the employee to realize why these policies are put into place. We could go on and on about the benefits of uniforms, but the main thing to remember is that uniforms create a unified, professional look. A brightly colored, chunky necklace or bandana will make one worker stand out and look different. This makes the employee look like they don’t belong, like they aren’t a team player. It’s important for employees to remember that they are a part of a team and a part of the company. They need to reflect the company standards.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with employees expressing their unique personalities, but it needs to be appropriate for the workplace. Make sure employees are fully aware of company policies, and like always you can rely on Service Uniform for any additional uniform needs.

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