07 October, 2013 | Service Area in TX

Why Do We Wear Costumes On Halloween?

Halloween is an old tradition that almost every household participates in. But how did it start and why do we wear costumes?

Service Uniform

It’s hard to figure out the exact origins of Halloween, but if you look online you’ll find stories from ancient pagan, Celtic, Catholic and Roman traditions. One thing all of those traditions have in common is that Halloween is a time of superstition.

Take the ancient Celts for example. One theory explains that Halloween originated with the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain, where people would light bonfires and dress up in costumes to scare off roaming ghosts and spirits. They believed that on Halloween, ghosts came back to Earth and would haunt anyone who left their homes. So they wore masks in hopes that the ghosts would mistake them for other spirits.

Well it’s 2013, and there aren’t many people left who believe in ancient spirits. Today people wear costumes for fun and amusement.

At Service Uniform, that makes perfect sense to us. Costumes are like uniforms, they make you feel like a different person. Superhero costumes are popular this time of year because people love to feel powerful and in control. Well, shouldn’t you feel like that every day?

We don’t believe in ghosts, but we do believe that a good uniform rental program should empower you and your company. We’re in the business of renting professional garments and related services to established companies because we’re good at it. We know that our customers demand superior quality products that make them feel like superheroes.

MAKE THE SWITCH! We are the family business you can trust.